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Posts Tagged ‘walker with wheels

How Much Is Your Freedom Worth?

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Soprano Dolomite Walker
The Soprano Dolomite Walker is an excellent outdoor walker. It’s ten inch wheels make rougher terrain easier to navigate. Its wireless design means no visible break cables can get in the way and it’s welded steel frame eliminates rear forks giving you more walking space. Priced higher than the standard walkers, most of which are made in China. The European produced dolomite line offer real value, at a higher but still reasonable price. Listen to what a recent purchaser said about this walker. “my Soprano walker arrived this morning and I have already been up to the barn to visit my beautiful horses, out to the garden, down our half mile long driveway to the mail box and all with great ease. I would highly recommend this walker to anyone who likes the outdoors as much as I do.” Yes, this walker sells for over $400 but then again, how much is your freedom worth?

Written by themedicalclub

June 16, 2009 at 2:17 pm